Report an emergency
Contacts details for services and organisations in case of an emergency
About emergency planning
The Emergency Planning team prepare, maintain and review arrangements for dealing with major incidents across West Northamptonshire
Community Risk Register
Discover prevention and advice in our Community Risk Register
Flooding and flood risk management
How to prepare yourself and your property for a flood
Strong winds and storms
Details on action that can be taken in order to prepare for strong winds and storms
Heat health
Advice and tips on how to keep cool and healthy in hot weather
30 Days, 30 Ways UK
30Days30WaysUK is an annual national campaign aimed at promoting emergency preparedness and resilience among individuals, families, and communities
What to do if you have suffered damage to your home
Find out your rights and responsibilities when dealing with damage to your home and how you can get help
- Current flood alerts from the Met Office
- Sign up for flood alerts so you are notified of any issues in your area
Local Resilience Forum Annual Report
The Local Resilience Forum Annual Report acknowledges the hard work, significant improvements and achievements of the partnership over the past twelve months. You can read the report below.